Who is th3doctor, what does th3doctor do!???

Who is th3doctor: Well i'm a bit of a clever, artistic,skateboarding, space and time travling fool who just so happens to love...well everything.
 When is th3doctor: Hmmm...to put it simpily...when ever I can be, I will be.

 Bio: Yeah every page of this sort needs something like this. So where oh where to begin. Well for starters as some of you may or may not know, I consider my self a vagabond, homeless, ect. I will say this living the life I do maybe confusing at times but it's brilliant!! Oh all the amazing people I get to meet and the exciting things I get into, wouldn't trade it for anything!

Who know's th3doctor: Ahh yes! A few people actually know me...although for safety reasons I best not name names, i'm sure you understand.